Part 1-A New Floods Chapter 17 The Horse Bolts || "Ponniyin Selvan" of Kalki Krishnamurthy Tamil Historic Novel about the Great King Raja Raja Cholan

 CHAPTER 17 The Horse Bolts

Kundavai had decided that the bride most suited to her peerless brother, Arulmozhivarman, was Vanathi. But Vanathi had one defect — her timidity. Could a girl who was to marry a warrior and become the mother of a monarch who would rule the whole world under one umbrella afford to be so timid? Kundavai wanted to transform her, make her a courageous and spirited girl. That was why she organised the prank with the stuffed crocodile. But Vanathi stood this test well.

When they came back from the Kudandhai josier’s, Kundavai and Vanathi got into the swan boat with the others. The boat went a short distance down the river and anchored at a spot where there was dense foliage. Kundavai and her companions often used to play in the water here. As soon as everybody got out, one of the girls shouted, “Aiyo, a crocodile!” pointing to the opposite side. The others joined and chorused, “Aiyo! A crocodile! We’re scared,” and ran away.

However, Vanathi, who was generally very timid, showed no fear. She remained calm even when she saw the crocodile with its gaping mouth. The other girls pretended to be scared as Kundavai had instructed them. But Vanathi was not afraid. “Akka! It’s only when it’s in the water that the crocodile is dangerous. On the banks it can do nothing. Ask these people not to be afraid.”

“You wicked girl! You must have known this is a dummy, someone must have warned you,” said the others.


“Even if it’s real, I’m not frightened. I’m only afraid of a lizard,” said Vanathi.

It was at that moment that Vandiyathevan arrived to save the girls from the jaws of the crocodile. He took a great leap, jumped down and threw his spear on it. The imperious voice of a woman who stood before the crocodile sent a thrill through him. The disappointment he had felt when she had not talked to him at the josier's house vanished. But the crocodile! It was behind him, its jaws open, and she was standing right in front of it, asking him not to worry! Why had the crocodile not moved at all?

The woman added, “Ayya, you apologised for having rushed into the josier's house at Kudandhai and we came away without answering. You must have thought all the women of the Chozha country are discourteous. Please don’t think so. I was disturbed because the girl who had come with us fainted suddenly. That's why I didn’t say anything to you.”

What a sweet voice, he thought. Why is my heart beating so fast? Why do I feel as if I am choking? The flute, the veena, the maddalam, even the war drums did not stir me to such ecstasy! Nor did they cause such an upheaval in me. I want to interrupt her and say something. Why have I become tongue tied? Why has the breeze dropped? Why has the Arisilar stopped flowing? And the crocodile — why was it lying so still?

Vandiyathevan’s mind seethed. He heard the girl’s voice again as if in a dream, “You thought we were helpless and wanted to save us. So you threw the spear at the crocodile. You exhibited a rare marksmanship!”

Her companions burst into laughter again. Their laughter shattered Vandiyathevan's romantic daydream, breaking the spell the girl’s words had woven around him. He fixed his eyes on the crocodile. Ignoring the women, he went up to it and drew out the spear embedded in its back. Cotton and banana fibre came Out of the gaping hole instead of blood!

The wicked girls clapped and rocked with laughter.

Vandiyathevan shrank into himself. Never had he felt so humiliated. To be so disgraced before so many women! Were these really women? No! No! They were rakshasis! He must not stand next to them or look at their faces. Chi, chi, chi! My beloved spear! What shame I’ve brought upon you!

How will I wipe out this slur?

All these thoughts shot through his mind. If only they had been men! Then he would have turned this place into a battlefield! Anyone who dared to laugh would have been dead! Their blood would have reddened the muddy water of the river. But these were women. What could he do? The only way out was to flee.

He climbed the bank, not even turning to look at the woman who had disturbed him so much. His horse neighed. It seemed to him that even the horse was ridiculing him as the women had. Annoyed, he slapped it angrily, then leapt on its back. The touchy horse bolted along the bank of the river.

Kundavai watched till the dust the horse had raised settled. She turned to her companions and said, “Girls, you have no manners. You shouldn’t have laughed like that. When we're by Ourselves, you can laugh and have all the fun you want. But you should be modest and restrained in front of a stranger.

What will that young man think now about the women of the Chozha country?”

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