Part 1-A New Floods Chapter 7 LAUGHTER AND RAGE || "Ponniyin Selvan" of Kalki Krishnamurthy Tamil Historic Novel about the Great King Raja Raja Cholan


The moment Vandiyathevan heard Pazhuvettarayar say the word “succession” he came to a decision. “What are these people going to discuss about the succession? Who are they anyway, to discuss such a matter? I must stay on and find out what is going to happen at this meeting. I can’t find a better place for that than this. To hell with Azhwarkadiyan! Why worry about him?”

Vandiyathevan had already sensed that something mysterious was going to happen that evening.

Azhwarkadiyan's words that had been pregnant with meaning, the arrogant behaviour of the sentinels, Sambuvaraiyar’s half-hearted welcome,  the  evil  forebodings of the possessed fanatic — all these had filled his troubled mind with suspicion. An opportunity to clear all his doubts had presented itself through God’s grace. Why let it slip?

Aha! Even Kandan Maran, whom he had considered a close friend, had not told him the truth. He had told him to go to sleep and then come here for this midnight meeting. He had to tackle Kandan Maran firmly tomorrow.

By this time, Pazhuvettarayar had begun to talk. Vandiyathevan listened attentively.

“I’ve come here today to make an important announcement. It is for this purpose that Sambuvaraiyar convened this meeting. Emperor Sundara Chozhar’s state of health is causing great anxiety. I asked the palace physicians about it discreetly and they said, “There is no longer any hope. He will not live long.” We must now think of what is going to happen after...” Pazhuvettarayar stopped.

“What do the astrologers say?’ asked a voice from the crowd.

“Why ask the astrologers? For some time now, a comet has been appearing in the sky at twilight. That's enough, isn’t it?” said another.

Pazhuvettarayar went on, “Well, we’ve asked the astrologers. They say it's merely a matter of time. That's all. Anyway, we’ll have to think about who has the right to succeed.”

“What's the point of thinking about it now? Aditha Karikalar was anointed Crown Prince all of two years ago,” murmured a soft voice.

“That’s true. But I would like to know whether the Emperor sought advice from any of us before he was anointed. Each of us here belongs to ancient clans that have striven for more than a hundred years for the glorification of the Chozha dynasty. My great-grandfather died in the battle of Thirupurambayam. My grandfather fell in the battle of Vellore. My father sacrificed his life at Thakkolam. Each one of your ancestors sacrificed his life like this for the greatness of the Chozha empire. All our families have lost young men who perished in battle. Even now, boys from our clans and our families are engaged in war in Eezham. But the Emperor did not deign to consult us on who should be king. Even Dasaratha convened a meeting of his ministers to discuss the crowning of Rama. He sought the opinion of the ministers, the high officials, the army chiefs and the princes. However, the Emperor Sundara Chozhar did not think there was any need to consult us.”

“It is true that our opinion was not sought. But it is not correct for Pazhuvettarayar to say that no one has been taken into confidence. Can he say that the Rani Sembiyanmadevi or the Princess Kundavai Devi was not consulted?” remarked someone sarcastically, amidst laughter.

“Aha! You laugh. I don't understand how you can. My stomach churns and my blood boils when I think about it. Why should I continue this shameless existence? When he became possessed, the devaralan said that Durga wants a sacrifice.

He said that the person offered as sacrifice should have a lineage going back a thousand years. My family can claim such a past. Stab me in the neck, each one of you and sacrifice me! Durga will be satisfied and my soul will rest in peace.” Pazhuvettarayar spoke as passionately as the man who had been possessed.

There was silence for a while except for the sound of the west wind rustling through the trees outside the walls of the fort.

 “Pazhuvettarayar should be tolerant and forgive the mocking remarks and the laughter they provoked. You are an incomparable leader. All of us here are ready to carry out your orders. We will tread the path you point out to us. Please forgive us,” Sambuvaraiyar said with feeling.

“I was a bit impatient too. I ask you to forgive me for it. Just think of it. A hundred years ago, Vijayalaya defeated the Mutharayars and captured Thanjavur. He stood by the Pallava forces in Thirupurambiyam and decimated the Pandyan army of Madurai. Ever since, the Chozha empire has grown from day to day. It has risen to greater heights than it did during the reign of Karikala Valavar, who built the banks of the Kaveri. Today it extends from the cape at Kanyakumari in the south to the banks of the Tungabhadra and the Krishna in the north. Pandyanadu, Cheranadu, which was independent until recently, Thondaimandalam, Bagli, Ganga, Nulambapadi, Vaidumbaranadu,  Cheetpulinadu,  Perumpanapadi  and Kudagu, the source of the Kaveri: Chozhanadu controls all these and collects tributes from them. The Chozha flag with the tiger insignia flies in all these countries. Eezham in the south and the Rashtrakutas and Vengi in the north should also have come under our control by now. I don’t need to tell you why this has not happened. All of you here know why.”

“Yes! All of us know. There are two reasons why Eezham, the Rashtrakutas and Vengi have not come within our fold. One is Aditha Karikalar, the general in the north and the other is his younger brother Arulmozhi Varmar, the general in the south.”

“I accept Mazhavarayar's reasons. For a hundred years, the Chozhas have selected their commanders in a different way. Only brave and experienced men who had fought many battles were appointed chieftains and generals. But what has happened now? The older prince is the general of the northern forces. What is he doing? He has not gone to war against the Rashtrakutas and Vengi. He lingers in Kanchipuram building a golden palace. Let me ask you, the scions of brave and noble families who have gathered here.

Has any Tamil monarch ever built himself a palace of gold? The immortal Paranthakar, who annexed Madurai and Eezham and became world renowned — did he build a golden palace for himself? He laid a golden roof over the temple at Chidambaram. But Prince Aditha Karikalar has built a golden palace in Kanchipuram to live in! Obviously the palaces in which the Pallava emperors lived for generations, and from where they ruled, are not in keeping with his status! He has built a golden palace! He has encrusted the walls with precious gems and diamonds! From all the wealth he plundered from the Ganga, Kudagu and other territories, not a single piece of copper has he sent to the central treasury till today...”

“Has he finished building the golden palace?”

“Yes. I learnt from my spies that it’s been completed. The Emperor, Sundara Chozhar, has also received letters from his beloved first born asking him to spend some time in the newly built golden palace.”

A worried voice asked, “And is the Emperor going to Kanchipuram?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure nothing like that happens. My brother is the commandant of the Thanjavur fort. No one can enter the fort without Chinna Pazhuvettarayar's permission. No One can meet the Emperor or hand over palm-scrolls without my knowledge. I have already stopped two or three scrolls from reaching him.”

A chorus rose. “Long live Pazhuvettarayar! Long live the [22] Chanakya-like qualities of the Lord of Pazhuvoor! Long live his valour!”

“Listen to me. Prince Arulmozhivarmar, who is fighting in Eezham, has been behaving even more strangely. You know what Our customary practices and rights are during a war, the practices our forefathers have followed for centuries.

When our troops invade another country, they have to fend for themselves with what they can capture there. They have to subsist on local produce and their salaries have to be paid from the booty collected from the conquered region, any excess being sent to the central treasury. But what does Prince Arulmozhivarmar do? He wants us to send food for his troops in Eezham. Over the past year I have shipped supplies ten times.”

People in the audience shouted, “Strange! Strange! This kind of injustice cannot be tolerated! We’ve never heard of anything like this.”

“Listen to the reason the Prince gives for this strange behaviour,” continued Pazhuvettarayar. “He says that if our troops collect their provisions locally, the people there will be unhappy. Our quarrel is only with the rulers of Eezham, we have nothing against the people of Eezham. Therefore they shouldn’t have to suffer. Once we defeat the ruler, we should have the wholehearted consent of the people to rule them.

So, we'll have to send them provisions and money, won’t we?”

Someone in the audience called out, “Not ask the people whose land we’ve conquered for anything! Fall at their feet and worship them! I’ve never heard of such a code of war!”

“Please listen to the serious consequences. Thanks to the two princes, the treasury and granary of the Thanjavur palace are being depleted. I am forced to levy higher taxes. This is why I've been appointed. If I did not believe in the greatness of the Chozha empire, I would have stepped down long ago.”

“No! You must never leave us. It’s because you’re in this position that we feel so safe. Did you not complain to the Emperor about these unjust actions?”

“Didn't I? I’ve told him many times. He always says, Ask the Periya Piratti, ask the Ilaya Piratti.” As I said earlier, the Emperor has lost his ability to think for himself, nor does he consult us even on important issues. He lays great store by his aunt Sembiyanmadevi’s advice. Or he asks us to consult his daughter Kundavai. Just think of it — people like me and the ministers who have grown grey in the service of the empire, standing in front of a chit of a girl, who has not gone beyond Kollidam in the north and Kudamurutti in the south, and asking her advice! From the beginning, we of the Chozha empire have never heard of women interfering in the affairs of state. How long can we stand this kind of insult? If all of you agree, I’ll give up my responsibility to the state and the arduous tasks of levying taxes and keeping the coffers filled, and return to my village.

“No! No! Pazhuvettarayar cannot forsake us. The Chozha empire, built by thousands of soldiers who shed their blood over four generations, will go to pieces,” said Sambuvaraiyar.

“In that case, it is you who have to advise me on what I should do. What can we do for this kingdom, rotting because women wield the power — you tell me!” said Pazhuvettarayar.

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