Part 1-A New Floods Chapter 11 A Sudden Entry || "Ponniyin Selvan" of Kalki Krishnamurthy Tamil Historic Novel about the Great King Raja Raja Cholan

 CHAPTER 11 A Sudden Entry

At that time of our story the town now listed even in dictionaries of English as Kumbakonam was known as Kudandhai or Kudamookhu. Apart from being a well-known centre of pilgrimage, it was also popular as the town in which the Kudandhai josier lived.

A short distance to the south-east of Kudandhai stood Pazhayarai, the interim capital of the Chozhas. With its many storeyed palaces that reached up to the sky and its tall temple gopurams, it was a magnificent sight.


The Kudandhai josier had collected the horoscopes of the members of all the princely families. Going through them now, he found Vanathi's horoscope.

He studied it intently for a while, glanced briefly at Vanathi's face before turning his attention to the horoscope again.

Several times he alternated between scrutinising her face and the horoscope never once opening his mouth to say a word.

“What is it josier? Are you going to say something or not?” asked Kundavai.

“Thaaye! What can I say? I saw this horoscope once, entirely by chance. I could not believe my eyes. I put it aside, wondering whether what I had seen could be true. Now, when - I look at the horoscope and this girl’s face together, I’m absolutely amazed.”

“You can be amazed all you want, but tell me something about the horoscope.”

“Thaaye! This is an extremely lucky horoscope. Please don’t be annoyed if I tell you that it's even luckier than yours. I’ve never come across such a marvellous horoscope.”

Kundavai smiled. Embarrassed, Vanathi said, “Akka! He calls this unfortunate woman the world’s most fortunate person. Everything he says must be as contrary as this statement.”

 “Amma! What did you say? If I’ve made a mistake, I’ll give up my profession.”

“Don’t do that, josier. You have to keep saying pleasant things to people. But what you’ve told us is too vague. It’s not clear enough. That’s why she doesn’t believe you.”

“You want me to be more precise? Four months ago, something happened which appeared to be a bad omen. But it was really not so. It was an incident which will bring this high-born girl great good fortune.”

“Vanathi, what did I tell you?” said Kundavai. “Maybe you’ve prepared him earlier...,” said Vanathi. “Did you hear what she said?”

“Thaaye, let her say whatever she wants now. Tomorrow, when she marries a king among kings.

“That's the thing to say! Young girls are happy to listen only if you talk to them about marriage.”

“That’s what I wanted to talk about. But, Thaaye, if I had said so straight away, you would have said I’d lost my head.”

“From where will her husband be? When will he appear? What characteristics should we look for? Can you tell all this from the horoscope?”

“Aha! Why not? I can indeed.” The josier took a closer look at the horoscope. Whether he was really studying it or just pretending to, we do not really know.

He looked up and said, “Ammani! This princess's husband is not from far away. He is from this region. But that warrior of warriors is not in our country now. He is somewhere beyond the seas.”

 Kundavai looked at Vanathi. Although she tried hard, Vanathi could not control the joy that rose within and her face revealed what she felt.

“Who is he? From which clan? Is there any way of finding Out?”

“Of course. The lucky man who's going to marry her will have lines shaped like a conch and a disc on his palms.”

Kundavai looked at Vanathi again. Vanathi's gaze was on the ground. “That means, there has to be some sign on her palms as well,” said Kundavai.

“Thaaye! Have you ever looked at the soles of her feet?” asked the josier.

“Why josier? Are you suggesting I massage her legs?” “No! I’m not saying that. But there’ll be a day when many princesses and queens will perform penance in order to have an opportunity to touch the feet of this jewel among women.”

“Akka! This old man is making fun of me. Is it for this that you brought me here?” Vanathi was really angry.

“Why are you so distressed? Let him say what he wants.”

“These are not empty words. I’m just telling you what I can read in this horoscope. Poets sometimes describe the soles of the feet flatteringly as pada-tamarai, lotus feet. Ask this girl to show you her feet. You’ll find the outlines of lotus petals on their soles.”

“Enough, josier! One word more and she’ll drag me away forcibly. Please tell us something about the man who's going to marry her”

“Aha! I'll tell you! The man fortunate enough to hold her hand will be a great warrior. He'll wear garlands of victory won on hundreds of battlefields. He will be acclaimed by innumerable monarchs, be a king among kings and occupy the throne for a long time.”

“I don’t believe you. How can that happen?” Kundavai’s face showed a mixture of excitement, joy and fear.

“I don’t believe him either. He must have someone else in mind. He's saying this to please you,” said Vanathi.

“Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe me today. But one day you will believe me. Don't forget this poor josier at that time.”

“Akka! Shall we go?” asked Vanathi again. Tears hung at the corners of her dark eyes.

“There's one more thing I have to tell you. Listen to it before you leave. The warrior who is going to marry this princess will face many dangers and there will be moments when his life is threatened. He has a number of enemies as well.”


“Eventually all the dangers will disappear. His enemies will be destroyed. This girl’s bridegroom will overcome all obstacles and attain great heights. There's something even more important that I must tell you. Thaaye, I'm old. So, I can speak openly without hiding anything from you. One of these days, take a look at this girl’s abdomen. If you don’t see the outline of a banyan leaf I will give up my profession.”

“What's significant about a banyan leaf”

“You know the deity who reclines on a banyan leaf. This girl will bear a son with the attributes of that Thirumal. While her husband will have to confront many dangers and obstacles, the son who emerges from her womb will face no obstacles. He will achieve everything he desires. Everything he touches will turn to gold. Any country he steps into will become part of his empire. Wherever his eye turns, the tiger standard will fly. Thaaye! The armies led by her son will march forward, encountering no resistance, like the fresh floods of the Ponni. Jayalakshmi, the Goddess of Success, will serve him submissively. His country’s fame will spread through all the three worlds. The fame of his dynasty will last as long as the world exists.”

The josier spoke like one possessed. Kundavai stared at his face, listening to every word. She turned around, startled, when she heard a feeble voice call, “Akka—”

“Something is happening to me.” Vanathi's voice grew feebler and she collapsed.

“Josier! Please get me some water quickly.” Kundavai lifted Vanathi and laid her head on her lap. She sprinkled the water the josier brought on Vanathi's face.

“Nothing will happen, Amma. Don't worry,” said the josier.

“I’m not worried. This is quite usual with her, it’s happened five or six times. She’ll open her eyes in a while and ask, ‘Is this earth or [37] Kailasam?’” replied Kundavai.

Softly she continued, “Josier! There's something else I want to ask you. It seems the people in all the towns and villages have been talking for quite a while about a comet they’ve seen. Does it really signify anything? Is the throne in danger? Will there be any changes, any confusion?”

“Thaaye! Please don't ask me that. There's no way of forecasting the fate of countries, or historical events; they don’t have horoscopes. I’ve not learned these things in my study of astrology. Only yogis, seers or rishis can see into the future with their inner eye. This humble soul does not have that power. Dates, stars, horoscopes, astrological calculations, are all ineffective where matters of state are concerned.”


“Josier! You answer very cleverly. You don’t need the horoscope of the kingdom. You can tell me about my father and brothers, can’t you — a study of their horoscopes will be like studying the government's future.”

“I’ll do that some other day. Amma, it’s generally a bad period now, one full of danger. Everyone must be careful.”

“Josier! I’ve been worried ever since my father left Pazhayarai for Thanjavur.”

“I’ve already told you, Amma, the Emperor faces great danger. So does your family. But all these problems will be resolved through Durga Devi's grace.”

“Akka! Where are we?” They suddenly heard Vanathi's weak voice. Vanathi's eyelashes fluttered like the wings of a bee as she lay on Kundavai’s lap. She looked around her, her eyes wide open.

“Dearest! We’re still on earth. The heavenly chariot that will take us to Swarga, Heaven, is yet to arrive. Get up. Let’s go back to the palace in our own horse-drawn chariot.”

Vanathi sat up and asked. “Did I faint?”

“No, you didn't. You just fell asleep for a little while on your Akka's lap. I even sang a lullaby. Didn't you hear it?”

“Don’t scold me, Akka. I don’t know why, my head began to spin.”

“Indeed it must have! If this josier had predicted the same things for me as he did for you, my head would have spun too!”

“It wasn’t that, Akka. As if I believed what he said!”

“Whether you believed it or not, you frightened the josier. I shouldn’t take a coward like you anywhere.”


“I told you I didn’t want to come to the josier.”

“It was my fault. Get up, let’s go. Can you go up those four steps? Or do you want me to carry you on my hip?”

“No, I can walk by myself.”

“Wait, Amma. Let me give you Devi's prasadam before you leave.” The josier began to bundle up his manuscripts.

“Josier! You said so many things about me, but nothing about Akka,” said Vanathi.

“Amma! I`ve told Ilaya Piratti everything. What more can I say?”

“The great hero who is going to marry Akka."

“A peerless warrior....” interrupted Kundavai.

“Is there any doubt? A very brave prince; one who possesses all the thirty-two favourable features. As intelligent as Brihaspathi; as learned in the arts as Saraswathi; as handsome as Manmathan — no, as  Arjuna.”

“When will this brilliant match for Ilaya Piratti come and from where?”

“He’s coming, Amma. He’ll come very soon.”

“How will he come? On horseback? Or riding a chariot? Or walking? Or will he leap from the sky and come crashing through the roof” jested Kundavai.

Vanathi said excitedly, “I hear horse's hooves.”

“How astonishing that you can hear what nobody else can!” 

“I’m not joking. Please listen.”

It was true. They heard a horse galloping down the road.

 “So what? Surely there are horses in the town of Kudandhai.” 

“No, it seems to be coming here.”

“You’re imagining things. Let’s go.”

At that moment they heard a commotion at the entrance and the sound of voices.

“Isn’t this the josier’s house?” 

“Yes. Who are you?”

“Is the josier in?” 

“You can’t go in.” 

“I will.”

“I won't allow you.”

“I must see the josier.” 

“Come back later.”

“I can’t. I’m in a hurry.” 

“Hey! Hey! Stop! Stop!” 

“Move asides Or I’ll kill you.” 

“Aiyo! Don't! Don't go in!”

The outer door was flung open noisily. A young man rushed in. Another man tried to pull him back, dragging him by the shoulders. The young man shook him off and entered the room.

Readers would have guessed who the young man was. It was our brave Vandiyathevan!

Three pairs of eyes turned towards him simultaneously.

Vandiyathevan looked at them. No, he looked at only one of them. And he did not see her fully. He saw only Kundavai Devi's golden face. Did he look properly at least at that? No! He saw her coral-red lips parted slightly in astonishment. He saw the surprise, mischief and laughter in her eyes. He saw her eyelashes, her dark eyebrows. He saw her ivory-coloured forehead. He saw her kumkumam coloured cheeks and the dimples on them. He saw her neck, smooth as a conch. He saw all this at the same time but registered each feature separately.

All this took only a few seconds. Then he turned to the josier's disciple and said, “My man! Why didn't you tell me there were women in here? If you had, I wouldn’t have rushed in like this.” He brushed the disciple aside. As he went out, he turned and looked at Kundavai Devi again.

“Ade appa! It feels like the calm after a storm!” said Kundavai.

“It’s not over yet. Listen!” said Vanathi. They could hear Vandiyathevan arguing with the josier’s disciple.

“Josier, who is he?”

“I don’t know, Amma. He’s not from this town. He seems such a ruffian.

Kundavai suddenly thought of something and burst out laughing.

“Akka, why are you laughing?”

“Why? We were wondering whether my future husband would arrive on a horse, or in a chariot or jump through the roof.

That’s what made me laugh.” Vanathi couldn’t help laughing either.

The sound of their laughter rose like waves and drowned the noise of the argument.

 Sunk in thoughtful silence, the josier offered the princesses kumkumam and accompanied them out.

Vandiyathevan was standing a little away from the entrance. He said loudly, “I ask your forgiveness. This smart fellow didn’t tell me there were women inside. That’s why I rushed in.”

Kundavai looked at Vandiyathevan, her large eyes full of mischief, amusement and impudence. She did not say a word in reply. She took Vanathi's hand and led her to the banyan tree under which stood their chariot.

“These Kudandhai girls don’t know what politeness means. If a man talks to them spontaneously, can’t they say at least a word in reply?” Vandiyathevan spoke loud enough for both the women to hear.

The chariot was ready and the horses already yoked. The two princesses climbed into it.

The chariot sped towards the banks of the Arisilar. Vandiyathevan watched until it disappeared.

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Part 1-A New Floods Chapter 10 The Astrologer from Kudandhai || "Ponniyin Selvan" of Kalki Krishnamurthy Tamil Historic Novel about the Great King Raja Raja Cholan

 CHAPTER 10 The Astrologer from Kudandhai


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Born and brought up in Kudagu, the River Ponni, once she attains maturity, races over hills and through valleys, over rocks and hollows to join her husband Samudrarajan. As

she approaches Samudrarajan, the joy of knowing that she will soon see her husband makes her swell and expand. She goes a little further, then spouts two arms. She rushes forward in leaps and bounds, her arms outstretched.

Two loving arms are not enough to contain her ardour, so they become twenty, a hundred. Stretching out all her arms expectantly, she rushes to Samudrarajan. How well the foster mothers of the Chozha country adorn the bride who longs to reach her beloved husband! Adada! What a sight! The many green sarees they drape on her! How gorgeously they deck her with flowers! What beautiful fragrances they sprinkle on her! Aha! How can they be described, the punnai and kadambam trees on either side that shower their flowers so lovingly on her, like so many pearls and diamonds. How can one describe the sight? Even the flower-offerings made to the gods pale in comparison.

River Ponni! Which girl would not rejoice when she sees you? Can there be a woman whose heart does not swell when she looks at you in your bridal attire?

Is it not natural for girls to come seeking you, just as young girls surround a bride?

The River Arisilar is one of the golden arms the Ponni stretches out to embrace her husband. This beautiful river is very near the Kaveri, to its south. It has to be pointed out to those who come from other places. A dense clump of trees hides the river well. It is said that the Arisilar can be compared to a royal princess who has never once left the anthappuram since she was born. This virgin river is incomparable in its beauty.


Good! Let the readers put the image of the anthappuram out of their minds now and approach the Arisilar. Let them find their way through the dense trees. Adada! What a marvellous sight! It is like beauty beautified! Like honey sweetened further! Who are these women seated in an elegant swan-like boat? Who is this lovely girl in the centre, shining like the moon among the stars, like a queen born to rule the seven worlds? Who is the gentle beauty seated by her, a veena in her arms? Who are these enchanting gandharva women, whose sweet voices flow so melodiously, the flood of their songs mingling with the river? One has fish-shaped eyes; the other’s eyes are deep blue ; one's face is like a lotus; another's luscious lips are like lotus petals. Aha! The girl strumming the veena, one can watch endlessly the way her fingers move over the frets.

What of the sweetness of their music? Even the flood in the river seems to have quietened in order to listen to it. Even the parrots and koels on the trees have stopped singing and are wrapped in silence. Is it surprising then, that human beings, who are gifted with the capacity to enjoy good music, feel exhilarated when they hear this?

Covering yourself with a garment of beautiful flowers

Around which bees cluster and sing, you walked

With dark fish-eyes, open and rolling

O Kaveri, may you live forever!

With dark fish-eyes, open and rolling


You flowed to the brim because unbent

Was your husband’s perfect spear

So I’ve learnt. O Kaveri, may you live forever.

Your exciting garlands swung near you as you flowed Peacocks danced and, following them

Koels sang in the groves bursting with flowers

O Kaveri, may you live forever!

Your exciting garlands swung near you as you flowed

To the brim, for you have seen The power of his fierce spear So I’ve learnt.

O Kaveri, may you live forever:

Have we not heard these beautiful Tamil songs somewhere? Yes, they are from the Silappadikaram . Sung by these girls, they seem to have an attraction they never had before. The girls must be the river's special friends. That is why they sing with so much feeling. Adada! The lyrics, the melodies, the emotions they evoke, somehow seem to mingle and flow like a stream of nectar. Such music! Such tunes! Such lyrics!

There must be some magical art in them that makes those who sing and those who listen equally mad!


The boat stopped at the embankment, at the spot where there was a clearing between the trees. Two women alighted. One had a personality as forceful and dignified as that of a ruler of the seven worlds; the second was the one whose fingers had flowed over the veena's strings, making such sweet music. Though both were beautiful, there was a difference between them. One had the dignified elegance of a lotus flower, the other, the soft beauty of a rose. One was the full moon, the other, the morning star. One was the dancing peacock, the other, the singing koel. One was Indrani, the other, Manmathan’s beloved. One was the fast-flowing Ganga, the other, the sinuously meandering Kaveri.

To end the suspense in the reader's mind, we will now tell you who these two were. The one with the dignified presence was Kundavai, the Emperor Sundara Chozhar’s beloved daughter, the sister of Arulmozhi Varman, who became famous in history as Raja Rajan. The people called her Ilaya Piratti, the young eminence. Loved by the Tamils, she laid the foundation for the greatness of the Chozha empire. She was the brave woman who brought up Rajendran, the son of Raja Rajan, who grew up to be a great king and an incomparable warrior.

The other, a princess from the vassal state of Kodumbalur, had come from there to be with Kundavai Piratti. She was later to become a notable historical figure. At that moment, she was the personification of modesty, sweetness and peace.

The two women came ashore. Kundavai turned to her companions and said, “Wait here, all of you. We will be back in a short while.” All the women were daughters of chieftains and had come to Pazhayarai considering it a privilege to be a companion to Kundavai.

When they knew that only one of them had been chosen to accompany Kundavai, the others were filled with jealousy and disappointment.

A horse-drawn chariot was waiting for them. “Get in, Vanathi,” said Kundavai, and got in herself. The chariot surged forward.

“Akka, where are we going? Will you tell me?” asked Vanathi.

“Why not? We are going to the house of the Kudandhai josier, the astrologer,” replied Kundavai.

“Akka, why are we going to the josier's house? To learn what?”

“What else but to ask about you! You’ve been wasting away for some time now, and behaving as if you’re in some kind of trance. We’re going to find out when you’ll come out of it and feel better.”

“Akka, I beseech you, there's nothing wrong with my health. Let's not go to him. Let's go back.”

“If you say so, we won’t ask him about you. But I want to consult him about myself.”

“What do you want to find out from the josier?”

“Will I get married? Or will I remain unmarried all my life? That's what I’m going to ask.”

“Akka! Why ask a josier that? Isn’t it something you should ask yourself? At a single nod from you, won’t the rajas from the fifty-six countries from Kumari to the Himalaya arrive to compete for your hand? Why, they’ll even come from across the seas! Which brave prince will be lucky enough to clasp your hands? Surely, it’s for you to decide.”

“Vanathi Even if what you say is true, there's an obstacle. If I marry a prince from somewhere else, I’ll have to go to his country. I don’t want to ever leave this Chozha Nadu through which the Ponni flows. I’ve taken an oath never to go to another country.”

“But that’s not an obstacle. Any prince who marries you will be willing to fall at your feet and be your slave. If you want him to stay here, he will.”

“Aha! That’s asking for trouble: it will be like holding a rat on one’s lap. How can we have a prince from another country staying here? Don’t you know the problems that would cause?”


“Anyway, if you’re born a woman, you’ll have to get married someday.”

“No shastram says so, Vanathi. Look at Auvaiyar. She was a virgin and lived for many years as a poet who had no equal.”

“But God gave Auvaiyar the boon of premature old age. That hasn’t happened to you.”

“All right then. If I have to marry, I'll marry a Chozha warrior who has no one of his own. He'll have no country of his own then. So he will not want to take me away. He'll stay here in Chozha Nadu.”

“Akka! Then you’ll never leave the Chozha country?”

“Never! Even if they promise to make me queen of Heaven, I will not go.” “Well. It’s only today and now that I feel at peace.”


“If you were to go away, I would have to come too, since I can’t bear to be separated from you. I too don’t want to leave Chozha Nadu.”

“If you get married, we'll have to part.” “Akka, I’ll never get married.”

“What about the advice you gave me just now?” “Am I like you?”

“You liar! I know everything. Are you trying to throw dust in my eyes? You have no special bond with Chozha Nadu. The Chozha Nadu you really love is fighting in Eezham, sword and lance in hand. Do you think I can’t see deep into your heart?”


“Akka, Akka! Am I such an idiot? Think of the sun. Think of a dewdrop early in the morning. Of what use is it for the dew drop to desire to be the sun’s friend?”

“The dewdrop is small. The sun is large and bright. But at the instant when it reflects the sun, the dewdrop imprisons the Sun within itself.”

Vanathi asked excitedly, “You say so? You mean the dewdrop can also capture the Sun?” Suddenly, she became dejected. “The dewdrop desires the sun and is trapped. But to what end! Very soon, the dewdrop gets the punishment it deserves. It evaporates without a trace in the sunlight.”

“That's wrong, Vanathi. The sun, realizing the dewdrop's desire, captures it and merges with it. He does not want his beloved, the dewdrop, to be seen by other men. At night he releases her, and then she comes out again.”

“Akka, you’re saying this only to comfort me.”

“That means you’re worried about something. And yet you insist that you’re not. That’s why I'm going to the Kudandhai josier.”

“If I’m worried, what's the use of asking the josier?” Vanathi sighed deeply.

The josier's house was in an isolated spot in a corner of the city, near the Kali temple. The chariot skirted the city and reached the house so quickly that it seemed as if the charioteer had been there many times.

The josier and his disciple greeted them with deference and respect.

“Great lady, embodiment of Lakshmi and Saraswathi Come in, come in! This poor hut is fortunate that you have come to visit us once more.”


“Josier! Nobody else will come to see you now, will they?” asked Kundavai.

“No, Thaaye! Not many people come looking for me these days. Only when the sufferings of the world increase do people come in search of josiers. But now, in the reign of your beloved father, Sundara Chozhar, people do not know what suffering means. Everybody is happy, prosperous and comfortable. Why should they come in search of me?” replied the josier.

“Are you saying I’ve come to you because I’m in trouble of Some kind?” The josier answered diplomatically.

“No, great lady! Which blind fool would ever, say that the daughter of the prosperous king of Pazhayarai is in trouble? No one in this kingdom has difficulties, so it’s the poor josier who suffers. No one cares for me. You have come like a goddess to save me. Amma, please come in. It is unforgivable on my part to have let you stand here.”




Kundavai asked the driver to move the chariot under the banyan tree near the temple. Kundavai and Vanathi followed the josier into the house.

The josier told his disciple, “Appane! Guard the entrance carefully. Nobody must enter, even by accident.”

The inner hall had been made ready to welcome the princess. On one wall was a decorated picture of the goddess, [4] Ambikai. Two seats were placed in readiness. A lamp had been lit. Kolams had been drawn on the floor. Charts, horoscopes and palm leaf manuscripts were scattered all over.

The women sat down first, then the josier.




He said, “Ammani, please tell me the purpose of your visit.” “Josier! Can't your astrology tell you that?”

“Yes, Thaaye!” said the josier. He closed his eyes and chanted some mantras.

Then he opened his eyes and said, “You’ve come here to consult me about this girl’s horoscope.  Devi Parasakthi tells me this. Isn’t it true?”

“Aha! Wonderful! How can I describe how great your power is? Yes, josier! I’ve come to ask about this girl. She came to the palace a year ago. She was very happy for eight months. She was the happiest, the most playful and cheerful of my companions. But over the last four months there's been a change. She seems tired all the time. She looks as if she's in a trance. She's forgotten how to laugh. She keeps saying there's nothing wrong with her. If her elders ask how she is, what will I tell them...?”

“Thaaye! Isn’t this girl the younger Kodumbalur chief’s beloved daughter? Isn’t her name Vanathi” asked the josier.

“Yes, you seem to know everything.”

“I already have this young princess's horoscope. Please wait.” The josier opened an old box by his side and went through its contents. He picked out a particular horoscope and studied it intently.

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Part 1-A New Floods Chapter 9 Important Conversation || "Ponniyin Selvan" of Kalki Krishnamurthy Tamil Historic Novel about the Great King Raja Raja Cholan

 CHAPTER 9: Important Conversation 

Vandiyathevan had spent his life until now in the arid areas adjoining the banks of the dry river Palar. Therefore he did not know how to swim across a river in spate. Once when he had been on guard duty on the northern bank of the Pennar, he had stepped into the river for a bath and been caught in a whirlpool. He had been whipped around in the dangerous eddy, dragged under water and lost all powers of resistance. Just as he was giving up hope, he had somehow emerged.

The flood waters had washed him ashore.

When Vandiyathevan eventually went to sleep, he felt the same sensations he had had during this experience: as if unwittingly he were caught in a whirlpool of official intrigue. Could he escape from this as he had earlier from the whirlpool in the river? Would God save him again?

He had almost choked on the information he had gathered at night, in the Sambuvaraiyar palace. Only recently had the Chozha empire rid itself of its troublesome external foes.

Prince Aditha Karikalar was a great warrior; a Chanakya in statecraft and an expert in warfare. He had used his extraordinary intelligence and the skill of the Chozha forces to uproot the Rashtrakutas from Thondai Mandalam. All the external threats had somehow been countered. Internal feuds and conspiracies now reared their heads. What would the consequences of these internecine plots, which were more dangerous than external threats, be?

Weren't all those involved in this dangerous venture, reputed warriors, ministers, dignitaries and officials of the Chozha empire? How great the Pazhuvettarayar brothers were! Their power! Their reputation! And how famous, brave and powerful were those who had gathered here! Was this the first time they had met? To how many other places had Pazhuvettarayar taken Maduranthakar in a closed palanquin? Marrying a young girl in his old age had made it all so convenient.

Vandiyathevan had thought until now that only Crown Prince Aditha Karikalar had the right to ascend the throne. He had never imagined, even in his dreams, that this could be challenged. He had heard of Maduranthakar and knew that like his father had been, he was a great devotee of Siva. But he had not been aware that Maduranthakar had a right to the throne and could stake a claim to it. Where did justice lie?

Who really had the right to the throne? Aditha Karikalar? Or Maduranthakar? The more he thought about it, the more he felt that both sides were justified in their claim. Who would eventually succeed?

He asked himself, what his duty was. When I left Kanchipuram, he thought, I had so many plans. I wanted to do what Aditha Karikalar wished and achieve a high post in the government. I thought I might even be able to retrieve what the Vana clan had once owned. But everything he had depended upon for help and support now looked as though it would disintegrate. When he returned to bed, all these thoughts crowded into Vandiyathevan’s mind, keeping him awake. Finally, just before sunrise, he drifted into sleep.

He did not get up even when the sun's rays fell sharply on him next morning. It was only when Kandan Maran shook him awake that he got up with a start.

“Did you sleep well?” Kandan Maran asked with formal politeness. “After the other guests retired, I came to see you. You were serving [40] Kumbakarnan,” he said.

Checking the thoughts that flooded his mind, Vandiyathevan replied, “The last thing I remember is coming here after the kuravai koothu. I’ve just woken up. Adada! It's really late! It must be a jamam, three hours, after sunrise now. I must leave at once. Kandamara, please ask your servants to ready my horse.

“You want to leave now? Don’t be silly. What's the hurry? You must stay at least ten days with me,” urged Kandan Maran.

“No, appane. I had news that my mama in Thanjavur is critically ill and may not survive long. I hate to leave, but I must see him at once,” said Vandiyathevan, lying blatantly.

“In that case, you must stay with me for a few days on your way back.” “We’ll think about it then. Please let me leave now.”

“Not in such a hurry. Have your morning meal. I’ll come with you as far as the Kollidam.”

“How can you do that when you have such important guests staying with you?”

“None of them is more important than you.” Kandan Maran stopped abruptly, then added, “My father and the other palace officials will look after them. I could not talk to you for long last night. At least we can catch up with each other on the way to the Kollidam. I would really feel happy if I could


spend a little time with you. I’ll come with you till we reach the banks of the Kollidam.”

“I've no objection... whatever you like... whatever is convenient...”

In a little while, they left the Sambuvaraiyar palace on horseback. The horses moved slowly and it was a pleasant journey. Even the westerly winds that sprayed them with dust did not bother them. They became engrossed in talking about old times.

Vandiyathevan said, “Kandamara, staying with you has been of great value to me, even though it was only for a night. Only One thing disappointed me. You used to give me such glowing descriptions of your sister in the days when we were on guard duty. But I really did not get a good look at her. When she hid behind your mother and peered at us, I could see only an eighth of her face. She seems extremely shy.”

Kandan Maran obviously wanted to say something, but no words emerged.

“It doesn’t matter. You asked me to stay with you on my way back. I’ll see her at that time. Maybe she won’t be as shy then. What did you say her name was?”


“Adada! What a sweet-sounding name! If she’s as beautiful and good as her name.

“My friend!” interrupted Kandan Maran, “I have to ask you to forget my sister. Please forget everything I told you about her and never mention her again.”

“What's all this about, Kandamara? Everything seems to have turned topsy-turvy. You hinted even last night that I might become the son-in-law of the family.”

“It’s true I said that. But the situation has changed. My parents have decided to get her married to someone else and Manimekalai has agreed.”

Vandiyathevan rejoiced silently at her decision. It was easy to guess who the young man was. It had to be Maduranthakar, the man who had emerged from the covered palanquin.

“Aha! It must be one of the rich guests who was there yesterday, Kandamara. I’m not surprised or disappointed. Actually, I had been expecting this.”

“You expected it?”

“Who would offer his daughter to a destitute like me? Which girl would consent to marry a man without a house or title? That my ancestors once ruled a kingdom... how does it count now?”

“My friend! Stop! Don’t be so contemptuous of me and my family. That’s not the right reason. There's something very important behind this. When you learn what it is you’ll agree with me. But I can’t tell you what it is now.”

“Kandamara! Why do you speak in riddles?”

“Please forgive me, I can’t talk about it openly, even to you. Believe me, whatever happens, nothing will damage our friendship. When the time comes, I’ll run to you with the news. Have faith in me till then. I will never forsake you.”

“Thank you for that promise. But what could happen to make you forsake me? I’m not the kind of person who depends On others, Kandamara, it’s my own sword and lance that I have faith in.” “The time may not be too far away when you have to use them, when we will fight side by side, shoulder to shoulder. Your wish may be fulfilled then.”

“What? You think there’ll be a war soon? Or do you plan to fight in the battle at Eezham?”


“Eezham! You'll be surprised to hear about the war going on there. It seems the rice and provisions that the armies need have to be sent from here. What a disgrace! But I’m speaking of something else. Please be patient. I’ll tell you when the time comes. Don’t coax the words out of my mouth now.”

“All right! All right! Don't tell me anything if you don’t want to. Don’t even open your mouth. There, I can see the Kollidam.”

They could see the wide river, which was in spate. They reached the banks in a few minutes.

With the fresh rains of Adi, the water level now touched the banks. The bank opposite seemed a long way off and the trees on it looked like small plants. Eddies of turgid brown water shaped like rounded kolams raced joyously along, attempting to breach the bunds. Amazed, Vandiyathevan watched the river roaring eastwards.

A punt was anchored on the wharf and two men with long poles stood ready to set off. Someone, apparently a devout Saivite, was already seated in the boat.

Catching sight of the newcomers walking along the bank, one of the boatmen asked, “Sami do you want to come in the boat?”

Kandan Maran said, “Yes, this man does. Wait for him.”

The friends dismounted. “How thoughtless of me! What will I do with this horse? Can it be accommodated on the boat?” asked Vandiyathevan.

“It’s all right. Two of my men are with us. One of them will take your horse to Kadambur. The other will cross over with you and arrange for a fresh horse for you,” said Kandan Maran.


“Aha! What foresight! You’re a true friend!” exclaimed Vandiyathevan warmly.

“Maybe you thought the Kollidam is like the Palar or the Pennar. You can’t ferry horses across this river.”

“Yes! I’m sorry I underestimated the rivers in your Chozha country. What a river this is! It surges like an ocean.”

The friends embraced and parted. Vandiyathevan stepped into the boat along with one of Kandan Maran's men.

The boat was ready to leave. The punters dipped their oars into the water.

Suddenly they heard a voice in the distance. “Stop! Stop the boat!”

The person who had called out came up to them. Vandiyathevan recognized him at once. It was Azhwarkadiyan Nambi.

As soon as he realised that the man was a Vaishnavite, the Saivite who was in the boat shouted, “Let the boat leave, I won’t be in it with that infidel! He can come in the next boat.”

Vandiyathevan looked at the boatman and said, “Be patient. Let him come. There’s plenty of place in the boat, let's take him along.”

Vandiyathevan was anxious to find out many things about the events of the night before from Azhwarkadiyan.


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